Meetings usually start at 7.45pm and are held at Askwith Village Social Hall, Askwith Lane, Askwith Otley, LS21 2JB (see map below).
The records for each meeting can be accessed via the 'Meetings' entry in the Documents menu at the top of this page, and on the noticeboards in the villages. Agendas are published at least three clear days before a meeting and should be checked for any changes to the date, time and venue.
The Parish Council meets four times a year for ‘ordinary’ meetings when a full agenda of business is considered. These meetings are usually held the third Thursday.
The Parish Council holds two ‘Annual Meetings’ on the third Thursday in May. The first is the Annual Parish Meeting. The second is the Annual Parish Council Meeting – the AGM of the Parish Council. This is a formal meeting to deal with procedural matters such as appointing a Chair for the forthcoming year and approving the Council’s accounts. This is a meeting of the electors of the parish and offers an opportunity to come together and find out what’s been happening during the past year. Community groups are invited to submit reports on their activities.